NEDRA (National Electric DRAG RACING Assoc.)
Please note that both the owner of the vehicle and the driver of the vehicle must be NEDRA members in order to set a new NEDRA record. Please read the “Membership Notes” and “Membership Conduct” before joining.
Yearly Membership – $35.00
Lifetime Membership – $200.00
Corporate Membership – $500.00
Educational Membership – Instructor – $35.00
Educational Membership – Student – $5.00
One of our Members at the West Palm Beach Track, February of 2019.
Becoming a NEDRA member entitles you to several benefits:
- Only NEDRA members can hold NEDRA Records and be entered in the 100 mph Club*
- Being part of a movement that is pushing the limits of EV performance technology
For further information regarding your current status or other related
Membership issues contact Audrey Clunn.
Membership Application
All applications subject to review. The NEDRA Board reserves
the right to approve or reject an application for membership.
NEDRA Records
Due to the historical nature and promotion of EVs, records and
100 mph club entries are the property of NEDRA once they are
published and cannot be removed if a member chooses to end their
membership. Stories and articles about member achievements are also the
property of NEDRA.
Member Conduct
NEDRA’s purpose is to provide World Class Electric Drag Racing
and at the same time have fun racing. NEDRA expects its members to maintain
a high level of decorum, responsibility and safety both on and off the
track. Poor sportsmanship, misrepresentation and discourteous behavior
towards other members, the organization and/or the NEDRA Board will
not be tolerated and may result in membership suspension.
Drag racing is a dangerous sport. There is no such thing as a guaranteed safe drag race. Drag racing always carries with it the risk of serious injury or death in any number of ways. This risk will always exist no matter how much everyone connected with drag racing tries to make our sport safer. Although NEDRA works to promote and enhance the safety of the sport, there are no guarantees that such safety measures will guarantee or ensure safety. The participant always has the responsibility for the participant’s own safety, and by participating in drag racing, the participant accepts all risks of injury, whether due to negligence, vehicle failure, or otherwise. If at any time a participant does not accept these risks, the participant agrees not to participate in drag racing.
Installing the Hyper9 Motor
Installing the new NetGain Hyper9 AC Motor in to our 1980 Jet Industries Ford Courier for Testing. This is the original set up with a GE Series 9″ Motor from the 1980s, with a new Soliton Jr Contoller.
We are happy to be chosen by NETGAIN to Beta Test this new Motor they are introducing.
The Hyper 9 Motor, Controller and wire harness got delivered ! Its like Christmas at our house ! This is what come in the box !
You get the Motor, Controller, the wire Harness and the Contactor. All you need is a few batteries ! Call us ! we have a few to sell !
The first step in installing the Hyper9 Motor is to get the old DC motor out.
Now that the motor is out, we can see what we want or need to do to the engine bay area. I’m thinking a good scrubbing and then painting? These Jet Industries Ford Courier vehicles never had gas engines, but were delivered to the company without engine, gas tank or radiator. Much like the Lotus was delivered to TESLA for their first prototype Electric Vehicle.
The Next step we are doing to this vehicle to install the Hyper9 AC motor is to get the area ready to accept the new motor. We are Cleaning and Painting the Engine bay compartment in preparation for Installing the Hyper9 Motor and Adapter Plate to be fitted in.
We have painted the engine bay which will hold the new Hyper9 Motor and all the parts that come with it. The Controller and the Harness. The New system is delivered complete. Just add Batteries.
The Adapter Plate for the GE Motor had a different bolt pattern than the Advance DC 9″, NetGain 9″ or the Kostov which all use the same bolt pattern. Because of this, we had to Fabricate a new Adapter Plate. This Adapter Plate for Hyper9 going in to this vehicle needed a lot of spacers to connect to the existing Transmission of the 1980 Ford. Each vehicle will be different and each Adapter Plate will be different. But if you have an Adapter Plate for any of the industry standard Electric Motors, Like the WarP9, it will fit the Hyper9.
Measuring and choosing a blank for the start of the Adapter plate that will fit between the Bell Housing and the Hyper9 Motor.
The start of the Adapter Plate.
Checking the fit of the Adapter Plate for the Hyper9 to fit properly on the Motor.
To be continued…………………..
Under Construction…. we will return with more pictures.
Converting a 1967 Austin to Electric
Converting a 1967 Austin to Electric.
A few years ago I purchased, sight unseen, a 1967 Morris MK1100 to the Horror of my Husband, Steve Clunn, who, so I am told, is the Electric Car Guru of Florida. That being said, we drove to Arkansas and Picked up what would become our COMPANY LOGO, COMPANY CAR and CAR SHOW DIVA… our GREEN BEAN and I blog Converting a 1967 Austin to Electric.
This can be done with any car or truck. Find out MORE. We sell all the parts on our web page:
Converting a 1967 Austin to Electric, is a HOW TO with Pictures and a description and is blogged below. Also see our ASSISTED PROGRAM, if you want to Come to our shop and do this yourself, with our help.
I have to give alot of credit to my dear husband, who truly wanted to get his hands on this cute baby and convert it HIMSELF, but, being a really good sport, LET ME do the whole conversion my self ! Yes folks, a GIRL did this. Steve stood back, DIRECTED and Took Pictures!.. what a guy !
Old GAS engine OUT.
This yeas model has HYDROLASTIC SUSPENSION, something unfamiliar to us, described as: “The system replaces the separate springs and dampers of a conventional suspension system with integrated, space efficient, fluid filled displacer units which are interconnected between the front and rear wheels on each side of the vehicle.” Thanks to the guys from Dr. Mini at Yahoo, we were able to save this feature.
My dear husband sends me up in the back woods and says… ” there is a Toyota Tercel up there with a good Tranny and Linkage. THAT would be a fun thing for YOU to do”, NOT ! I got it out, got it back to the shop, power washed it . . .
Just so you know, I am not saying my husband may not have told the whole truth, but the Mosquitoes almost carried me away! Not fun !
At the time, unable to find an Adapter Plate for this year, Steve showed me HOW to make my own. I do have to say THAT was FUN !
Tapping out the holes and shape with a ball peen Hammer.
Cut out 2 Templates, to put ON a piece of 1/4 drop Steel and Plazma Cut both. Drill Holes, all FUN things to do, and its ready for the next step.
Line up the Bell housing on top of the plate to make sure the holes line up.
Welding the two plates … Yep THAT WAS FUN!
Fabricating the hub is a job for the “Master”. So, Steve did this part for me. Using a Lovjoy Connector, a spider and the center piece from the Clutch Disc, which Steve Machined out on the Lathe to fit the Spline of the Transmission.
Transmission, Motor and Adapter Plate.
Time to put them all together.
Steve drilled a hole in my car and installed the shifter and linkage.
Getting the Motor, Adapter Plate and Transmission on to the Sub-Frame of the 1967 Austin. Mine is an 8″ motor we had. We sell the full line of NETGAIN MOTORS, see our web page:
Steve helping get that heavy sub frame back UP into the 1967 Austin.
its IN !!
THAT was not so much fun, but the motor, transmission, adapter plate all fit on the Sub Frame and we did get it in with a lot of help from the overhead hoist.
Auxiliary Battery
Steve showed me how to use his BENDER and make and weld a “house battery Box” which will run the 12V system in this car.
I painted the Motor Housing Black to match. ( We now have a Dc to Dc Converter and have eliminated the 12V Battery all together).
Installing the “Auxiliary Battery” .
Installing the CONTROLLER:
At the time we did my 1967 Austin, The “MIGHTY ZILLA” company was down, and not producing Controllers. A young man from St. Petersburg stepped to the plate and designed and started producing the EVNETIC Controller. I got the very first SOLITON JR. Controller. A 600 amp, cutie and put it in my Austin. Some quick specs:
Max Current 600 Amps Continuous With Liquid Cooling
Rated Power: 180 KW
Input Voltage 8-342 Volts
Length: 13.750″
Width: 7.750″
Height: 5.209″
Weight: 7 Kg, 15 Lbs
Adjustable Max Output Voltage: Yes Up To 300 Volts
Side View: with Evnetics Throttle, specifically designed for this unit.
Controller Installation complete.
The PLATE light ! I got my ANTIQUE Plate for my car and I ordered a New “boot” (Trunk) emblem.
The plate light insides are all rusted. Steve taught me how to fabricate a “board” and install LED lights so that I could keep the old plate light housing that came with the car.
BATTERIES !! We have had 3 different sets of Batteries in this conversion. Back when we first did it, the China HiPower Batteries were all the rage, and I had a set of those. Then the WINSTON’s came out, and I was able to get a set of those…
2018, You got it, VOLT BATTERIES !
This is about a 50 mile range pack. Two Banks of 42 Cells in Parallel.
Steve has designed a BMS system, See our Web Page:
YES.. we RACED my little girl down at the BRANDENTON Race Track.
YES I am hooked.
Sign up and SUPPORT these guys ! $35.00 a year.
A day in the life of a Chicken
Below is a fun blog about a day in the life of a chickens. Not EV Related, but just some fun and random thoughts. Hope you enjoy ! A day in the LIFE of a CHICKEN, by Audrey Clunn.
Maddy: MOM MOM !!! HELP.. they are taking me away !!
Mother Hen: Yes, my child, I overheard the farmer say you were going to a far away exotic place … FLORIDA?! Make sure you write home often and tell me of this place !
Dear Mom: Ohh Mom, it was terrifying. They put me in this smelly box, smelled like the DOG ! and had a little cage door ! Me and Molly and Misty! Then they put the box in this big thing that smelled like gasoline !! ohh it was terrifying. The wind blew and blew… and finally at sundown the machine stopped and all was quiet. They did feed us and give us water and checked on us several times during the day… but Mom… I got soooo scrared… I …well…. I kinda pooped everywhere !! The LADY was real mad… said I “SHIT” all over her pick up… Mom… what is shit? …and what is a …. Pickup ?
Dear Mom: The wind started AGAIN today !!! sooo terrifying. I have not seen this place . . . Florida. But it is getting warmer as the day goes on.
Dear Mom: I think we are IN FLORIDA ! Not sure, funny noises.. Smells funny and lots of SAND… but I have a beautiful NEW HOME ! Mom !! it has everything.. A box for snuggling down at night. It has windows and a safe place to eat. It is really nice Mom. !!
Dear Mom: Well… the food is ok… the weather seems ok.. not too hot, not too cold. Lots of strange noises at night. ohhh and they have a DOG… yea… her name is SISSY… and she does not like us. She tried to EAT ME MOM !!! the Lady keeps bringing her by my new HOME…and keeps saying this stupid word.. Love… Loves the Chickens… These humans are funny breeds Mom..
Dear Mom: Well it has been a week… I over heard the Lady say she was going to . . . ” Let us OUT”…. what should I DO Mom? If she lets us OUT should I RUN? Should I find a way back to Texas? MOM… !! what do I do ?Dear Mom: Oh My Goodness !!! This is WONDERFUL ! Mom !! I get to run around 3 acres all day long !!! I get to hunt and peck for food all day ! The Dog, Sissy seems to be ok with all of us roaming all over the place. Soooo much FOOD !! Mom it is EVERYWHERE. I think this is … HEAVEN !! Mom.. there are fleas, and ticks every where.. .and bugs and bugs and MORE bugs ! Mom there are little dishes of WATER and it is sunny and grassy and there are trees and forests and it is beautiful. I think FLORIDA is another word for HEAVEN ! Back in Texas, which much be another word for HELL, we stayed locked up in that Pen all the time. And the MEAN old ROOSTER used to chase me all day long ! No Roosters’ here MOM !! it is so nice .. I really think it must be HEAVEN.Dear Mom: So, I get to roam all day long, and they leave the door to my home OPEN all the time, so If I want to go in and take a nap I can. But there is just too much here to see and do ! And at sun down, Just like you taught me, I go to my room and I get ready for bed !! Mom this HAS to be HEAVEN.
Dear Mom: MOM… I am FINALLY A FULL GROWN HEN like YOU !!! MOM… I laid my very first EGG today !!! Ohhh it was just like you said . . . It didn’t hurt at all and I was sooooo very PROUD… I told the whole world about it !! Ohhh MOM it was a beautiful Egg !! I really did a good job !! And I heard the LADY say the MAN would be real happy. Happy is a good thing here.
Dear Mom: Its a sad day. Misty, (one of us) got taken by a Hawk. We are going to miss her. But she did NOT do what her Mommy told her. She was out in the yard, sunning herself like she was some kind of Diva… not near to the tree line so she could run fast and be protected…and SHOOOOOP !! she was here one minute and gone the next !! Yep we are gonna miss her. Molly cried for a whole day. But I am a big girl and I am the BOSS here. Ohhh that’s a new word I learned… I am BOSSY !! I think that is a good thing. I am not sure.Dear Mom: You are not going to believe this. I think I have “TRAINED” the Lady to do Tricks !! YEP…. You see, she comes down these funny stairs. The she SITS on this chair right next to the barrel they keep the food in AND… If I go RUNNING up to her REAL fast, she will laugh…and call me cute names… and GIVE me a big handful of my favorite Scratch !! Mom, I got her so trained that she will sometimes give me MEAL WORMS and Scratch and sit and talk with me and Molly !!Dear Mom: I am not feeling good today. I am BLUE… I think its time I had a little baby Mom… I been sitting here on these eggs for 2 days.Dear Mom: OUCH !!! that MEAN LADY THREW me out of my nest !! I don’t like her any more. THEN she took the eggs!! MOM she TOOK my eggs…. my little babies, she TOOK them. I don’t like her, no I don’t.Dear Mom: Well, It must have been the FLU. I am better now. I still don’t like that mean lady. I am thinking of a new TRICK to teach her. I think I am going to POOP in her fancy garage. I’ll show HER !MOM…MOM !!!!! ohhhhh Maddy was a BAD BAD Girl… Mom.. she ATTACKED the lady !!Ya see…. its been a little COLD here lately and not so many bugs… Well Maddy got her feathers in an up roar and when the lady came down to feed us… Maddy attacked her bag of food !! Ohhh MOM it was soooo scary !! The lady called Maddy all kinds of names… including SOUP … Mom ..what is soup? And what are “Retched Little Bastards”… Mom… am I a Retched Little Bastard too?
APRIL 26, 2015 – A sad day here at GREEN SHED CONVERSIONS. We woke about 8:00am to the screams of Maddy and Molly and the GROWLS of 3 young Coyotes. They had surrounded the girls in the woods beside the house. Someone sent the following in an email to a friend our ours.. I am not sure who wrote it, I believe Richard Shears, but I thought it was cute and add it here.( UP DATE…Just in… it seems the REAL author is my dear dear Friend Mr. V. Fitzgerald !! Love ya man.)
Dear Mom This is a sad day for me and my sister because that nice lady that you sent us to live with on that long journey in that noisy truck or what every you call it did not protect us and we were eaten by a pack of coyotes about a couple of days ago. This letter will be the last time I can talk to you cause I will be in chicken heaven soon. The Lady was real nice and we even had a sister that adopted us her name was Sissy she was a dog but was very nice to us after she got used to us, Anyway the lady was looking out off of the porch and then three coyotes came and trapped us and the lady could not find those things I think they are called shells to put in that long black thing that makes a big boom when she puts them shell things in it so the coyotes had us Matty and I for lunch, it really hurt at first but it was over fast and now I’m on my way to chicken Heaven so it’s ok. I sure hope that the nice lady don’t get them real fancy chickens called silkies but if she does I hope she keeps them shell things in that big black thing so the coyotes don’t eat them too. and she should really watch out for them bad coyote things with my new big sister Sissy cause they look for food in packs . That’s another good reason to keep them shell things in that black thing, I think her friend Victor who is also very nice called it a shotgun so they don’t go after Sissy We love you Mommy and that lady was nice so don’t feel to bad.Rest in Peace…Maddy and Molly… Now…. LOOKING FOR SILKES.MOM>>>MOM!!! You know we are in heaven now looking down !!…SHE FOUND SILKIES !… Well HER MAN did.. He bought them for her BIRTHDAY… Mom.. whats a …… BIRTHDAY?Mom: these are silly silly looking chickens ~! They have funny feet..and funny looking heads… Mom.. they really ARE pretty ugly.AND WORSE…. MOM..>>>!!! She put them in OUR HOUSE !! yes.. they are In OUR house… AND she named them SILLY NAMES….. The Big one is CHOW MEIN and the Little one is ALAking !!!! Now have you ever heard of such silly names??WHO ever named a chicken .. CHOW MEIN or ALA King….geesh Mom… that human is pretty silly !
Sad day, we lost ALAKing. Those darn Coyotes.!! But Chow Mein is still with us and has the lady all trained. Chow Mein doesn’t like to be alone, so she roosts up stairs near the window where the lady sits and drinks her coffee in the Morning.
Chow Mein is the QUEEN here.. she has us all trained. Coffee an TOAST for the little girl in the morning…. and afternoon. WHITE bread only please. Follows both of us all over the property. Stopped producing eggs. Doesn’t car what car door is open she is gonna hop right in and go for a ride.March 2017. WE LOST Chow Mein…sadly she go run over by a Mobility Scooter. Chow Mein and the lady were RACING to the food center, like they always do, Chow Mein runs FAST and usually wins. Not this time… Chow Mein zigged ..when she should have Zagged…and got run over. We will never be the same here.
April 2017 No disrespect to Chow Mein… but… we now have SESAME and WONTON. Wonton LOVES Steve Clunn ! Wonton is the lighter colored one, where Sesame is the black and tan. Both give very very TINY eggs!! But they are cute as they can be.

I am not saying WONTON IS SPOILED, BUT… she like to RIDE with ” her ” MAN!! She sits on his shoulder, and wants to be petted and likes to go for rides. Just another. . . #Day in the Life of a Chicken.
Assisted EV Conversions
Assisted EV Conversions are a great way to save money. Society is transitioning away from petroleum fuels to more energy independence, and vehicles that emit less harmful pollution. Assisted EV Conversions is just one of the more practical solutions that should be considered. YOU can participate in an “ASSISTED ” conversion. Here’s how it works. YOU bring your vehicle to our shop, use our facility and our tools and basically do the assisted EV conversion yourself with Steve’s input and guidance. Here are some pics of assisted EV conversions we have done. Learn more about assisted EV conversions here…
The Motor and Transmission are now in, and the Adapter Plate is in place.
Some Conversions are set up nice for A/C. this S10 was especially a nice set up.
Remember… when you are sitting at a Street light, your Electric Motor IS NOT turning, so for a brief period of time, the A/C is not working, but that changes with the LIGHT changing to GREEN and your assisted EV conversion is moving ahead.
THIS baby is going to ROCK AND ROLL on all these cells !!
This ASSISTED EV CONVERSION took 19 days from Start to Completion! These two guys WORKED 8, 9 and sometimes 10 HOURS in a day to get it done on our customers time frame !
We are so Proud of Phil !! He really did a great job getting this done!
Let us help you with your assisted EV conversion. Learn more HERE…
Don “Father Time” Crabtree
Don “Father Time” Crabtree by John Wayland
Hello to All, On the morning of December 14th, I got the sad news that my close friend, Don “Father Time” Crabtree, had passed. The EV racing world has lost one of our most unique pioneers. Whether leading NEDRA through tough times, teaching us new tricks, amazing us with his creativity, or simply being a good friend in very dark times – Don “Father Time” Crabtree never let us down, and when it mattered most to me, he didn’t let me down either. I have circulated a picture I took of him from a few years ago – the two of us were out on my back deck running ideas back and forth and we so often did – I think my daughter’s response pretty much sums up how we felt about him, “Thanks for the picture Dad, it is nice to remember our long time family friend.”
I can say with absolute certainty, Don “Father Time” Crabtree was one of a kind – an off-the-wall, crazy dude who was at the same time, brilliant! To be honest, nothing was normal about him, that’s why we all loved him so much! Our first meeting is a perfect example of Don’s unique style. It was an electric hydro meet at Silver Lake, Washington in the mid-nineties, where I met up with Rich Rudman (another zany guy) to be introduced to the man who would forever after, be known as Father Time and become both an inspiration and dear friend. It was a treat to see the electric hydros run, but I was there to meet this fellow I’d heard so much about. I was asking where he was, when I heard “Oh, here he comes now”(pointing to the lake). I am looking at a scene from ‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon’ as this long-haired bearded man is walking (not swimming) out from his submersion in the water. From my first grasp of his wet hand, we bonded as if we’d known each other forever. In fairness, I suppose it felt that way to all he encountered… that was Father Time. Drying off on that warm day, his long flowing white hair and sweeping beard made me think I was hanging with a reject from ZZ Top! I was taken to the back of his hydro tow rig that was filled with a collection of lead batteries connected in series at high voltage, where he proceeded to spark-together a Crabtree-crafted mating device that ‘dump-charged’ his already over-heated boat batteries in minutes! Who was this guy?
Don “Father Time” Crabtree was, as Dave Cloud put it, ‘a great thinker’ – always scheming up new creations and different ways of doing things. I suppose he and Steve Jobs would have gotten along just fine. Ordinary was boring, tried and true was usually avoided, but taking his own path resulted in some of the most magical electric creations the EV world has ever seen! At an early NEDRA EVent, he showed up with his ‘FrankenBike’, a rad-looking raked motorcycle with a huge meat on back, over-stressed lead acid batteries, an electric motor he had massaged, and with a very special center piece – a 500 amp analog panel meter with a bent needle from hard-pegging too many times! Another amazing electric motorcycle FT created was ‘Dragon Parade’ with its twin battery packs that were reminiscent of the Enterprise’s warp drive engines.
With a machinist background tempered by his love of modern art, the metal pieces on his wacky but oh-so-cool machines would have been at home in a museum. I was always filled with excitement and ready to be amazed when Don “Father Time” Crabtree and his wife Jessica – aka ‘The Time Keeper’, were scheduled for a visit to the Wayland home. One time he unloaded a wonderful ultra light three-wheeled moped / electric contraption he made, with a wide bench seat constructed from a pair of aluminum and stretched strips of vinyl patio chairs. With twin pedal sets we moved away and got up to a good clip, then he hit the electric assist and away we glided up to beard-blowing speeds! It wasn’t long before we had a line formed at my house of neighbors and passer-byes who wanted to get in on the fun – getting in on the ‘fun’, is what FT was all about! In fact, I had a major battery exec at my home to check out the Zombie, but all he wanted to do was ride in Don’s elegant trike and talk with the crazy character he had just met 🙂
Electric Legend cars, chopped and narrowed drag cars with twin monster motors, electric hydros, electric drag motorcycles, vanilla daily drivers, and even motorized furniture were all designed, hand-crafted and pushed to limits by this nut case! In recent years he was clocked approaching 50 mph on his electric LazyBoy! Fantasticly artful while pushing some kind of boundary, it was mind boggling to see what emerged from his cramped and cluttered backyard garage. Inside, it was strewn with tortured motors who’s commutators looked more like copper mushrooms, metal shrapnel that was once some electrical device, fractured gears, melted cables – all around was evidence that this guy played on the edge!
Over the near two decades I hung with Don “Father Time” Crabtree, he was always featured on the many videos, TV shows, and news casts about anything EV. It went like this…film crews and reporters from all around the world were arriving in town to meet the renegade AmpHeads breaking all the stereotypes about stodgy EVs. It never failed, much like a magnet pulling at ferrous metal, they’d look over at FT with his snow-white long hair and wild beard, wrenches flying and sparks snapping while doing last minute wizardry on one of his creations, with a look on their faces of ‘What the hell?’… usually followed with, “Who’s that?” Roderick Wilde has already written about the German video where Don’s powerful drag bike took off and slammed into a big Lincoln Town Car… I was there when it happened. After the accidental full power launch and the impact that sent him over the handlebars, as he un-crumpled himself FT immediately quipped to the videographer, “Did you get that?” I remember the camera man looking over at me, absolutely stunned and astonished at the old fart who shrugged it off as just another day at the laboratory! A few weeks later at a Woodburn drag race Event, there he was in shorts, tie-dyed shirt and suspenders, with his bandaged, bruised and scabbed-up leg looking like a survivor of a brutal street brawl – our poster child for all things bizarre and demented 🙂
Then there were those l-o-n-g road trips to far away racing Events with Don and company – man, too many stories to tell! Whatever went sideways, got screwed up, or otherwise freaked us out – it never fazed FT – never! In fact, he liked it! The odder it was, the scarier it got, the more insane it became – it all just fueled him. I used to get grilled by ‘The Time Keeper’ when we’d prepare to go off on a road trip, “Do your best to keep him out of trouble.”
It’s already been reported that Don “Father Time” Crabtree was a big fan of the Douglas Adams series ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’, and I too, knew this well. I’m fairly convinced that FT really did think the earth was a supercomputer commissioned and paid for by a race of “hyper-intelligent,” “pan-dimensional” beings. Maybe he was actually one of them? In any Event, he’s no longer in this dimension, or at least it appears that way…
I’ll miss you, my friend!
See Ya…John Wayland